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Las Vegas Desert Landscapes
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This massive collection of photos, ideas, and simple step-by-step details is designed to help home owners make some progress with their plan to liven up their home with the perfect landscaping.
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Las Vegas Desert Landscaping
Living in a dry climate such as Las Vegas requires your landscaping to have a little extra planning. Your desert landscaping needs to include materials that work well with the harsh environment of Las Vegas. If you are adding trees and plants then they need to sustain themselves with low maintenance and less water. You might even prefer to install artificial or sytnthetic grass versus traditional grass for your Las Vegas lawn.
Having low maintenance plants and lawns saves you from spending extra time and money on your property while maintaining a beautiful and simple design. Our landscape architecture experts strive to create beautiful and low maintenance designs according to your tastes and budget. In places such as Las Vegas with high heat and a dry climate, the natural soil quality is usually low in nutrients and not conducive to deep root growth, which is another reason to include desert landscaping friendly plants.
Some desert landscaping friendly plants that you can use in your landscaping design ideas are, for example: herbal bushes such as Rosemary or Sage, certain varieties of Roses, and of course palm trees.
Other more exotic, yet inexpensive, choices are Longwood Blue (Blue beard), which is ideal for a mixed or shrub border because it is relatively drought tolerant and high heat tolerant. It has an attractive woody shrub, grows up to 3 feet tall and 5 feet wide with silvery leaves and produces violet-blue flowers that release a nice fragrant smell. The Longwood Blue is a deciduous bush and will grow back in late summer and early autumn with soft blue flowers appearing on the stems.
Another good choice for desert landscaping, is Autumn Joy, it is as dependable and adaptable as they come and is capable of withstanding the harsh climate of Las Vegas. It's beautiful pink flowers bloom from August into November and as the flowers mature, they turn to a soft copper color that is befitting of autumn. The Autumn Joy grows approximately 2 feet tall and 2 feet wide, with succulent stems and leaves that attract butterflies and hummingbirds.
Whether you own a commercial property, an apartment complex office builduing or a private residence, let our landscapers show you the best usage of your land with a free landscape estimate.
Battle Born Landscape Architecture
3690 Howard Hughes Parkway
Suite 500
Las Vegas, NV 89169
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